A loan is giving out money, property, or any other material to another in exchange for repayment in the future of loan value with interest. A home loan is securing a money loan from a financial institution to buy a house or secure a residential property.

In this article, we take a look at the list of home loans in Ghana. Are you worried about that dream house you want to get for your family but you don’t have enough money. This write-up will enlighten you on how to secure a loan for that dream apartment you want. 

Before going for a home loan, you should compare loans offered by different banks and lending institutions. While comparing, consider the interest rate, Loan-to-Value (LTV) ratio, processing fees, and tenure offered by the bank.

Use a home loan EMI calculator and calculate your EMI based on these factors. Compare multiple home loan products by various banks by using this method.  You can go through the above list to get an idea regarding which bank’s home loan would suit your requirement.


1. Stanbic Bank

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