How To Pay Your Student Loan Using Myghpay

In every institution where loan is given, the best way to increase your threshold for bigger loans is to repay for your loans regularly. Same way this applies to apply for a loan from Students Loan Trust Fund and repaying.

Paying for your Student loan using Myghpay is very useful way to avoid joining a long queue when paying for a loan to Students Loan Trust Fund in Ghana.

The first time I got to know about how you could make use of Myghpay to pay for your Students Loan the convenient way was when a friend asked me of how he could pay for his loan to Students Loan Trust Fund the smart or digital way. In fact, this is purely someone who loves to see the advancement technology has taken us to, and would love to make use of it to make impact.

When a friend asked that, I began to ask and query various search engines until I found the useful information from the Students Loan Trust Fund organisation — indicating that I can make use of Myghpay for payment of loans within some couple of minutes.

Myghpay makes it to pay with vim by upgrading to the new world of easy payments to pay for utility bills, school fees, TV & Entertainment, Airtime and Data at a go.

Students Loan when applied, is just like any other government loans in Ghana you can apply for and get within some couple of days or weeks.

This useful information guide here will show and walk you through How To Pay Your Student Loan Using Myghpay in Ghana.

About Students Loan Trust Fund

The Students Loan Trust Fund is a public institution established under the Trustee Incorporation Act 1962, Act 106 to provide financial resources for the benefit of students and to promote and facilitate the national ideals as enshrined in Articles 25 and 38 of the 1992 Constitution. It is to replace the SSNIT Students Loan Scheme. The Students Loan Trust Fund Act 2011, Act 820 has been passed by Parliament.

The Students Loan Trust Fund is established in December 2005 under the Trustee Incorporation Act 1962, Act 106.

The mission of Students Loan Trust Fund is To provide TIMELY financial SERVICES to eligible Ghanaian tertiary students and with a Vison of Inspiring and unleashing greater prospect.

Functions Of Students Loan Trust Fund

In some of the objectives rolled out by the Students Loan Trust Fund, the organisation has been there to help numerous tertiary students in the country to have the flexibility to study without boarders.

Some of the things that contribute to the functions of Students Loans Trust Fund in Ghana are given below;

  1. The provision of facilities to enhance the tertiary education to support students.
  2. The provision of moneys to support any other activities and programmes for the promotion of relevant courses as determined by the Trustees, in consultation with the Minister.

How To Pay Your Student Loan Using Myghpay


There are many ways you could pay back your student loan as a student, but we are going to talk about using Myghpay to pay for your loan particularly.

Here is the complete steps to follow and learn how to pay for your Student loan using Myghpay in Ghana.

  1. Visit the official website of Myghpay,
  2. Click on “Register”
  3. Enter your personal details and complete the registration
  4. Login to Myghpay portal
  5. From Payment categories, select SLTF logo
  6. Choose your payment method; Visa, Master Card or Mobile Money
  7. Make payment to the amount you owe SLTF

Now, you have the practical steps you can follow and pay back your loan to Students Loan Trust Fund as a student.

Download Myghpay App

You can also download myghpayApp on Playstore or Appstore.

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